NP Breakouts and Panels

The NP review is organized around five topical panels that will hold discussions during parallel breakout sessions at the meeting. The report will also be organized around these panels.

The co-chairs of each breakout area will coordinate the preparation of a white paper prior to meeting that gives an overview of science drivers and computational challenges in their breakout area in the 2020 and 2025 timeframes.

Each breakout area will also contribute a number of case studies. Each case study will describe a specific research topic, its goals, computational approach, and specific known requirements for 2020 and 2025.

Breakout Panels


George Fuller, UC San Diego
Bronson Messer; ORNL

Case Studies
  • Core Collapse Supernovae
  • Thermonuclear Transients
  • Neutron Star-Neutron Star Mergers. Contributors
  • Neutrino Oscillations. Contributors
  • Explosive Nucleosynthesis: Contributors
Cold QCD

Robert Edwards, JLAB
Martin Savage, U. Washington

Case Studies
  • Hadron structure.
  • Spectroscopy.
  • Nuclear forces.
  • Fundamental symmetries.

Amber Boehlein, JLAB
Jason Detwiler, U. Washington
Jeff Porter, LBNL
Paul Mantica, Michigan State


Peter Petreczky, BNL
Michael Strickland, Kent State U.

Nuclear Structure

Witek Nazarewicz, Michigan St. U.
Joe Carlson, LANL